Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

I'm finally finally finally finished Inkheart, it's so good it's actually beyond good its brilliant! When I'm reading it, it's like a totally new world, and your probably thinking 'well duh Rui..books do tend to do that' but Inkheart is just whoa aha its excellent, and now I've got the next two books in the series and then its done! I hate it when books end..it's pretty depressing..well I'm on a reading addiction right now, so if I don't post anything for a day or two you know why ;) If I read any particularly good book, I'll make sure to talk about it in one of my upcoming blogs, in case anyone wants to give them a try. I've got a huge list of books I want to read :)
By the way I only have three more days of classes! Three more and I'm finally off for two weeks! Finally! It's been going on and on forever! It's mostly just a laid back envoirment in classes now, but after we come back it's going to be continuous reviewing every night, and so forth, so I'm enjoying this while it lasts.

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